- 'Dice control' or 'dice setting' is an advantage play technique used in craps to set and throw the dice in such a way as to make the dice more likely to land on certain numbers.
- The PARR dice control has a ratio of 1:6 dice result; the losing result will appear only once in six tries. Thus, the losing sevens has a slimmer chance of appearing with this throw technique than if we just throw the dice randomly without any throwing motion tactic.
- In dice control, you have to set the dice properly, stand at the right distance from the back wall, grab the dice properly, grip them properly, and throw them softly with the proper amount of backswing so they land softly on the layout, and then hit the back wall and die. It takes practice and discipline.
Dice control is a pariah subject in some circles of gambling authors and experts. The game of craps tends to attract more scam authors and 'system hawkers', who peddle betting methods and other voodoo to 'win'. In this video I will be showing you on how to make easy money at the casino tables by using dice control. I will explain the way I like to set and hit number.

The sad truth is, in today’s casinos there is no such thing as Dice Control. Dice Control, is, in fact, a misnomer. It’s a catch-phrase that has fallen into general use when describing what “controlled” shooters attempt to do – which is to the outcome of the roll. Free online poker gambling sites. Since there’s no such thing as Dice Control in todays casino that means there’s no such thing as a “Controlled Toss.” For that reason, I like to refer to what others call a “controlled roll” as a “percentage toss.” We don’t control every roll, but we do influence the outcome of some of our throws – and that influence can give us enough of an edge over the house’s percentage to make it pay for us.
Every percentage shooter’s toss is different. Why? Because everyone’s hands and fingers are shaped differently. Some of us are tall and thin. Others are shorter and not so thin. A comfortable stance or grip for one person is often impossible for another. On top of that, different “dice control” camps teach different toss techniques. Some teach “off axis” tosses while others teach “on axis” tosses. Some teach tossing at a 45 degree angle. Others suggest a 30 – 40 degree angle is better. And at the end of the day, we all become creatures of habit as far as out tosses go – good habits and bad habits – for better or worse.
With that said, there are still some elements that are common to the best tosses around. Assuming the shooter has an excellent grip on the dice, he will begin and end his toss with the dice square to the deck of the table. In addition, the dice will also be square with the back wall and will travel in a straight line trajectory down table. After landing, the dice will tumble to the flat portion of back wall and strike the base of the wall, where there are no rubber pyramids.
If tossed back-handed, the dice will fly in a parabolic arc to the landing zone, with just enough backspin to keep the dice on axis and rotating in tandem. The dice will strike the shooter’s preferred landing zone – typically anywhere from six to twelve inches from the back wall – bounce once or tumble gently to the base of the back wall, then roll back no more than a couple of inches before dying no more than a few nches apart. The dice should not strike in the turn or the hook, the curved portions of the back wall, although there are some decent shooters out there who use that technique. Keep everything square instead.
If tossed underhanded the dice will fly in a relatively straight line to the landing zone, which will likely be twelve to eighteen inches from the back wall. They will be tossed with just enough forward spin to carry them to the back wall, where they will strike the base of the rail rubber with minimal roll-back. Back in the good old days of street craps or army barracks games this was known as the blanket roll and it can still be very effective today.
The Axis Power Craps Percentage Toss starts with the dice gripped and in contact with the table. The shooter focuses on his landing zone, takes a breath, lets it out, then executes the toss by bringing the dice up at a 35 to 45 degree angle, releasing them so that they fly no higher than six to twelve inches higher than the rail, landing about six inches from the back wall. The dice should take one bounce, then strike the back wall near the base and bounce back no more than a couple of inches inches. Do not expect to achieve those kind of results when first starting to practice. And remember, while it is possible to learn dice influencing on your own – there is no substitution for hands on teaching from a professional dice influence instructor.
Does the ability to execute a percentage toss mean you’ll automatically be a winner at craps? Absolutely not. No matter how good of a shooter you are, if you are undisciplined and lack basic betting, money management, and betting skills then odds are you’re still doomed to lose. So what makes a successful player?
1. Knowledge of the game.
2. Sufficient bankroll.
3. A conservative betting approach.
4. Good money management skills.
5. Discipline.
6. The ability to influence the outcome of the roll.
7. A winning attitude.
How about it? Sound like you? If not – there’s your craps “to do” list.
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Interview With The Greatest Dice Controller
By Henry Tamburin
Dom LoRiggio, known in craps circles as the “The Dice Dominator”, has turned the craps world upside down with his uncanny ability of being able to control the dice when he throws them. He was recently featured on the History Channel’s “Dice Dominator” and he has co-authored the new book, Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution! – Win at Craps Using a Controlled Throw.
- When and how did you get started playing craps?
Throughout the late 1980s and early 90s I was an advantage blackjack player. I got interested in craps after reading several dice books by Frank Scoblete about the Captain and the Arm and I was intrigued by the idea of getting the edge at craps using a controlled throw. In the late 90s I started to practice a controlled throw and then I took a poorly designed course in controlled shooting and that got me started. I worked on the throw for six months before I really had it down. A couple of years later I met Frank Scoblete who was researching a book and we went to the craps tables where he wanted to see me roll. Well, I wanted to see him roll too. I had a half hour roll. Scoblete was impressed. Then he came right back with a half hour roll himself. Boy was I impressed.
- Can you explain to readers how you can control the outcome of your rolls?
The game of craps is a game of probabilities inherent in two dice. In a random game, those probabilities are set in stone. However, what my fellow Golden Touch dice controllers and I do is influence which dice faces come up by setting the dice a certain way and throwing them our special way. We change the probabilities by reducing the number of sevens or increasing the appearance of other numbers.
- What are the steps in a controlled throw?
In dice control, you have to set the dice properly, stand at the right distance from the back wall, grab the dice properly, grip them properly, and throw them softly with the proper amount of backswing so they land softly on the layout, and then hit the back wall and die. It takes practice and discipline. It is a skill that most people can achieve if they work at it.
- The casinos require that you hit the back wall so doesn’t that make dice control impossible?
Not at all. The Golden Touch throw that Frank Scoblete and I teach and that is the subject of our new book, Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution!, must hit the back wall to be successful. If we miss the back wall the throw is usually random as one die is doing something completely different from the other die. When we miss the back wall, we grimace because now we must rely on luck for the seven not to show.
- How long would it take an average person to learn the Golden Touch dice control technique? How does a person practice?
I am an average person; so is Frank. It took me six months of practice before I knew I had an edge and was comfortable going into the casinos to play. I practiced almost every day on a craps station that I built. You don’t have to buy a craps table but you do have to simulate one so that you can practice your throw.
- How does a player know he is influencing the dice?
There are two methods that we use to ascertain and then calculate what our edge is. For new dice controllers, we recommend using the SRR formula – known as Sevens to Rolls Ratio. This is a way to show us in an easy formula if we are actually able to change the probabilities of the game. Using the Hardway set, which shows hardway numbers all around the dice set with the end pips being the 1 and the 6, we can see if we are reducing the appearance of the seven. The seven usually appears once every six rolls on average. If you do about five thousand rolls using the Hardway set and you find that the seven is appearing once every 6.5 rolls, then you are probably changing the game. At that point you then use the powerful software program, Smart Craps, to prove with statistical certainty that you are influencing the dice outcomes and how much of an edge you have over the casino.
- What sets do you recommend to a novice dice controller?
The Hardway set is the best for reducing the appearance of the seven. If you wish to set for the sevens, you use a set called the All Seven set that has sevens all around the dice. A more skilled shooter might wish to try the 3-V set where you have the threes together and sixes and eights all around the dice. These different dice sets are described in more detail with photographs in my new book.
- What bets do you make?
Dice Control Scam
There are three aspects to dice control. You must practice your throw, know what your edge is, and then bet into that edge. Skilled shooters must make bets that they can overcome. If I have a five percent edge and I make bets where the casino’s initial edge is 1.5 percent, I will beat the house making those bets. If I make bad bets, like the Horn, then I am going to lose to the casino because the house edge is 12.5 percent. My edge can’t overcome the house edge. Too many would-be dice controllers are such poor bettors that they lose anyway.
- Do you increase your bets when you win?
If you are having a good roll and you have made a profit of maybe three or four times the amount you have bet on the layout then careful pressing at times can help. However, you should always bet into your advantage right from the beginning. That is how you establish your bankroll and your betting levels.
- What were some of your greatest dice sessions?
I had a 56 hand roll before the very first seven showed. I’ve had many hour-long rolls and a few hour and thirty-five minute rolls. With Frank playing, I went 30, 33 and 38 rolls back to back to back. Of course that day Frank Scoblete had an 89-hand roll. Even that great roll doesn’t compare to the Captain’s 147-roll hand or 100-roll hand as described in detail on www.goldentouchcraps.com. The History Channel showed me calling my numbers and that was a true account. There are times when I am so “on” that I can call what will land next. I did this six times in a row for a Travel Channel show that Frank wrote but the producer decided not to use that sequence. I am usually a very consistent and quiet shooter but there are times that I get into a zone when I am hot and I can get very loud and flamboyant. Frank says that I scare the younger stick people when I “go crazy.”
- How often does a skilled dice controller win?
The number of winning sessions is not as important as whether you are winning money overall. Most hands are not winners for a dice controller, just like most at bats are not hits for good hitters. If you have three winning hands every 10 turns with the dice you will make money. A player who establishes a point and sevens out can only lose his initial bets but those hot rolls can win multiple bets over and over so the good to great rolls will make you a lot of money.

Dice Control Sets
- How accurate was the History Channel show (The Dice Dominator) about you?
The show put me in with a dice control team at the beginning of my career and that the classes they taught were actually to get members for their team. Not so. That team bet low stakes and I was never involved with them. Also, most of the players on that team were not really all that skilled so that was inaccurate. Both Frank Scoblete and I discussed the Captain, the man who started all this dice control stuff in the modern casino, and his partner the Arm for several hours with the producer but none of that appeared in the show. However, the show did portray accurately how I am in a casino and the work I put in to the developing of my skill. Frank Scoblete, unfortunately, was portrayed as someone who was a lowlife instead of someone with three master’s degrees who is a real gentleman.
- Why are your Golden Touch Craps dice control classes so popular?
It is better to play with an edge than without an edge. We have the best dice controllers teaching our classes. They have all gone through a rigorous training program and they have demonstrated their edge on Smart Craps and in the casinos. The word of mouth spreads and all our classes are sold out by the time we conduct them. We have a ratio of four or five students per teacher in our classes so you are paying for intense and I mean intense personal, hands-on training.
- What are the common mistakes dice controllers make?
The first mistake is to overestimate your edge. The second mistake is to bet that overestimated edge, which means you will lose money or win very little money. The third mistake is to not practice. No skilled athlete goes into intense competition without practicing his skill. Pitchers warm up; hitters take batting practice almost every day.
- What words of advice do you have for players interested in becoming dice controllers?
Dice Control Sets
First read Frank Scoblete and my book The Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution to see if you really have the discipline and stick-to-the-task attitude. If you are interested in learning the skill from great dice controllers then consider attending the Golden Touch Craps dice control class.
- Frank Scoblete rated you as one of the top four dice controllers he ever saw in a past issue of Casino Player. How do you see this?
Craps Dice Control Dvd
Well, Frank is the best one I ever saw. Of course, I never saw the Arm or the Captain shoot, although I have talked with the Captain and our throw is modeled on his throw. There are great shooters in our Golden Touch group and our students get to see them shoot the dice when they take our class – that is an eye-opening. The bottom line is, once again, playing with an edge is better than playing without an edge.